Have questions? We have answers for you here. 

General Information

The admissions process has various parts and phases. See the following terms:

  • Accepting applications – This means that MSSD is currently accepting applications for admission and reviewing them.
  • Application complete – This means that MSSD has received the full application and all supporting documents, including birth certificate, proof of residency, and all required school records, for the child. The next step in the process is an application review.
  • Accepted/acceptance – The applicant meets the admissions criteria and has been accepted to MSSD. The enrollment date is yet to be determined. Acceptance does not mean the child may enroll immediately.
  • Enrollment – The child has been accepted and may start attending MSSD upon the beginning of the new semester.
Q: What is the difference between “acceptance” and “enrollment”?


“Acceptance” means that the student’s application has been reviewed and the student meets the MSSD admissions criteria. It does not mean that the student may begin attending classes. “Enrollment” means that the child has already been accepted; the enrollment date on which the student may begin attending MSSD is also provided.

Q: If my child has been accepted but cannot be enrolled right away, when may they enroll?


MSSD enrolls new students at the beginning of each semester. Most new students enroll in late August for the fall semester and in late January for the spring semester.

For reasons such as classroom size and capacity and dormitory capacity, there may not be an available space for the student at the time of acceptance. Students are enrolled when there is an available space for them. We are unable to predict when a space will become available. We will inform you when one becomes available for the next semester.

Q: Who is eligible to attend MSSD?


Students eligible to attend have a hearing status that results in a need for an educational environment sensitive to diverse educational, cognitive, and social needs that necessitates a continuum of specialized educational and support resources, including non-restrictive access to a visual environment throughout the day.

Q: Are there any residency requirements?


MSSD applicants must legally reside with a parent or legal guardian in the United States or its territories.

Q: Are there any educational or age requirements?


Applicants must have completed eighth grade, or be on track to complete eighth grade, before admission to MSSD. The applicant must not have graduated from a secondary program.

Q: My child has secondary disabilities. Does this affect admissions?


An applicant with secondary disabilities will be considered if the student’s primary educational needs are related to deafness.

Q: What does MSSD need in order to consider students for admissions?


In order to consider a student for admission, MSSD needs the following documents:

  • Completed application form
  • Completed release of information form
  • Birth certificate (copy)
  • Proof of residency (copy of utility bill)

In the application packet is a Records Request form that authorizes your child’s school to send records to MSSD. Records requested include, but are not limited to:

    • Audiogram/audiological evaluation
    • Behavior/Discipline/Incident Reports within the last three years
    • Current IEP or 504 Plan
    • Educational assessments (results from Stanford or other achievement tests, standardized tests, and other statewide results)
    • Multi-disciplinary evaluation performed within the past three years (also called comprehensive, or psycho-educational evaluations at some schools)
    • Re-evaluation/Triennial Review
    • Transcript/report card


*Completed physical exam, immunization record, and other medical record forms are due prior to enrollment.

Q: How will MSSD determine grade placement for incoming students?


Students who are applying for a class other than freshman must provide transcripts showing number and type of high school credits earned. Classes in which the student has earned a grade of D or below will not be accepted for transfer credit.

Q: May students apply for admissions at any time during the school year? Is there a deadline for applying?


MSSD accepts applications on a rolling basis until June 1 for fall semester enrollment consideration (August) and until November 1 for spring semester enrollment consideration (January). (Please note: There may be times in which the application portal is temporarily closed.)

Applications received after either deadline will be considered for enrollment during the next eligible semester.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates and enrollments are subject to change. Please see our MSSD admissions page for current application and enrollment timelines.

Q: Can students apply for admission to the senior class at any time during their senior year?


MSSD considers all applications for admission. However, MSSD generally does not accept transferring seniors more than 10 school days into the new academic year. Each application is considered on an individual basis, and exceptions may be made in extenuating circumstances. All students enrolling as seniors must meet all requirements for graduation.

Q: Are dormitory accommodations provided?
  • Students wishing to be considered for dorm residency must be able to live independently, without individualized support for safety or living needs. Students requiring additional supervision may be admitted to the academic program and commute to school daily. 
  • Students living outside of a 5-mile radius of the school campus may live in the dormitories during the week
  • Students living outside of a 60-mile radius may stay in the dormitories during weekends that MSSD remains open
  • MSSD and its dorms close periodically throughout the academic year, including but not limited to: a three day weekend in October, Thanksgiving week, winter holidays, a three-day weekend in February, and Spring Break week
Q: Are immunizations and health insurance required?


D.C. Law 3-20 (revised November 1996) mandates that all students must have certification of immunizations.

All residential students must have health insurance. Parents and guardians have the option of purchasing school health insurance or using their family’s health insurance carrier. Students can use their family’s carrier if the insurance:

  • Will not expire during the school year
  • Will not expire due to age restrictions or student status
  • Is valid in the District of Columbia

Medicaid is not accepted in the D.C. area. Only D.C.,  Maryland, or Virginia Medicaid is accepted; Medicaid from other states is not accepted by health care providers in this area, therefore either private insurance or the school insurance must be purchased. School insurance may be purchased through MSSD’s group plan.

Q: What are the costs involved in attending MSSD?


There is no charge for tuition or for room and board for residential students. Fees include:

  • Room/key deposit for dormitory residents, refundable upon departure from MSSD if the student does not lose the key or damage the room
  • Annual laundry fee for dormitory residents
  • Annual activity fee, which includes the yearbook, Student Body Government membership, and admission to school field trips, athletic events, drama performances, weekend activities, and other activities
  • Transportation costs are also the responsibility of the student’s family
Q: How do I apply for admission for my child?


Our application process is entirely online! To apply, please begin by completing the application form, identified as Step 1, at

Then complete Step 2: Submit Student Records at the same link.

Q: What are the possible outcomes of my child’s application?


Review of a complete application file may result in one of the following:

  • The application is accepted. Enrollment will depend on space available.
  • The application is denied.
  • The parent/legal guardian may be directed to their LEA so the LEA may make the referral in order to be available to partner with MSSD to provide the accommodations, supports, and services the student needs.
Q: How can I see the MSSD campus and the dormitory?


Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, MSSD hosted periodic Open House events during which families of prospective students could tour the school building and dormitory. However, for the foreseeable future, no visitors will be allowed into the buildings. We will share information about virtual tours when those are available.

Q: May my child attend MSSD through remote instruction only?


Learning at MSSD happens in physical, on-campus classes. MSSD students must be located on campus in order to attend classes. MSSD does not provide an online-only education.

The application and registration processes, however, may be done online.

Q: Does MSSD offer transportation?


Transportation to and from campus is the responsibility of the student’s family. MSSD offers the following:

  • Travel training for all new students to help them learn now to use local public transportation
  • Regular shuttle bus services to and from the local train station, Union Station, regularly throughout the year, provided by Gallaudet University; please see the Gallaudet University shuttle bus page for more information (Union Station is 1.5 miles from the Gallaudet campus)
  • A shuttle service for MSSD students only to local airports when students depart campus for closed weekends and school breaks
Q: How many credits are needed to graduate?


MSSD offers diploma options with different requirements for each. Please see Graduation Requirements in the MSSD Parent-Student Handbook for more information.

Q: What extracurricular or athletic activities does MSSD offer?


MSSD offers an array of activities both right after school and during the evening and weekend hours in the dormitory. Please see the Student Activities page of the MSSD website for more information. That page contains a link to information about the Athletics program; you may also visit our Athletics page.

Q: What does my child need to bring to the dormitory? I have other questions about the dormitory as well.


The MSSD Parent-Student Handbook contains comprehensive information about the dormitory. Please scroll down to the Student Life section to review information about all aspects of living in the MSSD dormitory.

Language and Communication at MSSD

Q: How do teachers and students communicate during classroom instructional activities?


All classes and programs are conducted in American Sign Language (ASL).

Q: The MSSD website says that MSSD is a bilingual school. If ASL is the language of instruction, how do students develop their English language skills?


Students receive a substantial amount of instruction in English language arts. In English language arts, students participate in an extensive range of reading and writing activities, including guided reading and writing instruction. Teachers create language-rich classrooms that make visually accessible English prominent throughout the school building. Reading and writing are emphasized across the curriculum in all subject areas. Additionally, individual students may receive Individualized Education Program-based speech-language services to support and strengthen their spoken language skills.

Q: My child does not know ASL. May they still be considered for admission to MSSD?


Yes! Our students come from a wide range of communication backgrounds, with new signers receiving support until they are able to communicate independently in ASL.

Q: I would like my child to communicate in spoken English in the classroom. Is that an option at MSSD?


All classes and programs are conducted in ASL. Your child may receive spoken English services through IEP-based speech-language therapy sessions with our speech-language pathologists. However, classroom discourse is primarily through ASL.

Q: My child normally communicates through Cued Speech. Is that an option at MSSD?


All classes and programs are conducted in ASL. MSSD does not use Cued Speech as a tool.

Admissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Q: What health and safety protocols is MSSD following?


MSSD students returned to on-campus learning on September 7, 2021. School began on August 30 with remote learning and included training sessions for all students in health and safety protocols. We anticipate that these protocols will continue to change based on evolving Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and DC Health guidelines. For the most current information, please click on the Clerc Center link on the Gallaudet University Return to Campus website.

Q: Are there vaccination requirements for teachers, staff, and students?


For the most up-to-date information regarding vaccination requirements, please click on the Clerc Center link on the Gallaudet University Return to Campus website.

Q: Are you currently enrolling new students?


MSSD will begin enrolling new students in the fall of 2022.